Tetra-cis-lycopene is a highly beneficial bioavailable form of lycopene, and exhibits a golden-orange or tangerine tomato colour. But not all tomatoes with this colour contain tetra-cis-lycopene, as this colour can also be expressed by beta-carotene. Hence it is necessary to chemically analyse each tomato variety to verify whether or not it contains tetra-cis-lycopene.

We provide here a list of all the varieties that we have had analysed and confirmed to have tetra-cis-lycopene to assist health conscious gardeners, healthy food advocates and researchers worldwide. The data has been obtained from a number of tomato growing seasons. The results below show the highest readings obtained up to 2020.

Tetra-cis-lycopene has been measured as mg per 100gm fresh weight.

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Variety Name Tetra-cis-lyc Plant characteristics * Fruit characteristics † Flavour ‡ Sourced from
Alice Brewer 3.82 Semi-determinate/semi-dwarf (about 1 metre +); early (70 days). Medium-sized orange fruit. Mild. Tomatobob, Ohio, USA
Amana Orange 5.04 Indeterminate; matures 90 days. Giant beefsteak. Mild. Tomato Growers, Florida, USA
Amish Orange Sherbert Heirloom 5.36 Indeterminate; high yield. Beefsteak style; vibrant orange. Sweet and mild flavour; low acid. Amishland Heirloom Seeds
Amish Yellowish Orange Oxheart 7.05 Indeterminate; matures early; high yield. Medium-large classic oxheart-shaped salmon-orange tomatoes. Sweet and mild flavour. Amishland Heirloom Seeds (no longer on their list)
Aunt Gerties Gold 5.73 Indeterminate; potato-leaf; mid-season 75-80 days. Giant beefsteak style; golden tomatoes. Good flavour. Seed Savers Exchange member, Iowa, USA
B’Mato 3.65 Indeterminate Medium to large slicing tomato. Lots of flavour. Seeds sourced in New Zealand
Barnes Mountain Orange (or Yellow) 6.54 Indeterminate. Very tall vines; matures 85-90 days. Extra-large beefsteak; fleshy smooth-skinned orange tomatoes. Rich ‘old-time’ tomato flavour. Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds, Mansfield, Missouri, USA
Big Orange 6.14 Indeterminate; matures 75 days. Large beefsteak; juicy fruit with low acid; skin peels like an orange. Sweet flavour. Seed Savers Exchange member, Iowa, USA
Big Yellow 4.06 Indeterminate; matures 80 days. Large yellow-orange beefsteak style; sometimes slightly green-shouldered. Tomatofest, Little River, California, USA
Blazing Beauty 4.95 Determinate potato leaf variety Oblate medium to medium large fruit. Intense flavour with distinct tartness
Bob Logan Tomato 5.38 Indeterminate Medium to large slicing tomato. Seeds sourced in New Zealand
Brown’s Yellow Giant 3.57 Indeterminate; late (90 days); heavy yield. Large/extra-large beefsteak. SSE Yearbook 2010 listed as Claude Brown’s Yellow Giant. Mild, tropical fruity flavour. Tomatofest, Little River, California, USA
Bursztyn 3.34 Compact determinate or semi-determinate; very early fruiting; high yield. Medium plum-type yellow/orange tomatoes; the first fruits are seedless. Good sweet flavour. Tatiana’s Tomatobase, British Colombia, Canada
Chuck’s Golden (aka Chuck’s Yellow) 5.47 Indeterminate; matures 77 days (mid-season). Extra-large to giant beefsteak. Fleshy, sweet fruit with well-balanced flavours. Tomatofest, Little River, California, USA (named for seedsman Chuck Wyatt)
Dad’s Sunset 1.01 Indeterminate. A uniformly round large beefsteak; ‘glowing’ orange tomato. Slightly tart, yet sweet, fruity flavour. The Chilli Pepper Company (UK)
Djena Lees Golden Girl (named for Djena Lee, pronounced ‘Sheena’) 5.23 Indeterminate; mid-season (77 days). Large beefsteak-style fleshy fruit; 1st prize at the Chicago Fair for many years in the 1920s. Richly-flavoured with a well-balanced tangy sweetness. Tomatofest, Little River, California, USA
Earl of Edgecomb 2.52 Indeterminate; smaller plants about 1 metre tall; 73 days, mid-season. Large beefsteak style, 7cm diameter, globe-shaped fruits. Well-balanced sweet and acidic flavour. NZ heirloom sourced from Solana Seeds, Canada
Elbe 4.31 Indeterminate; tall vines (2 metres+); potato-leaf type (grandifolium); matures 85 days. Large beefsteak style golden to bright orange tomatoes; German origin. Intense flavour. Solana Seeds, Canada
Elfie 4.94 Indeterminate; matures 85 days. Large beefsteak style, golden-orange tomatoes. Sweet flavour. Tomatobob, Ohio, USA
Faribo Goldheart 4.9 Indeterminate, 81 days, late-season; prolific yield. Large slicing tomato; round or oblate, not heart-shaped as the name would suggest. Sweet with pleasant acidic finish; suits salads or canning. Tomatofest, Little River, California, USA (originating from Farmer Seed and Nursery Co., Faribault, Minnesota in 1955)
Gary Ibsen’s Gold 4 Indeterminate; tall potato-leafed; high yield; mid-season (75 days). Brilliant golden extra-large beefsteak-style tomatoes. Fruity flavour with acid to balance. Tomatofest, Little River, California, USA (originating from Boone County, West Virginia, USA in 1990)
Gary’s Golden Bear 1.64 Indeterminate; medium-sized plant. Large, golden-orange juicy tomato. Richly flavoured. Trade Winds Fruit
Golden Bell 7.61 Indeterminate. Bell-shaped bright orange medium sized fruit. New Zealand chance seedling
Golden Grape 6.01 Indeterminate. Bite-sized golden fruits. A bright and sweet variety. Trade Winds Fruit
Golden Green 7.12 Indeterminate, matures 75 days, mid-season. Golden/orange medium slicing tomato; firm fruit. Tomatofest, Little River, California, USA
Golden Light 3.44 Indeterminate Roma style tomato, a selection of Orange Teardrop. Pleasant flavour HFCRT selection
Hawaiian Pineapple 6.13 Indeterminate; matures 93 days, late season. Large golden-orange beefsteak-style fleshy fruit. Fruity, sweet, hints of pineapple. Tomatobob, Ohio, USA
Homer Fike’s Yellow Oxheart (grown by Mr. Homer Fike, USA) 1.74 Indeterminate; matures 89 days (late season). Giant beefsteak-style, golden-orange heart-shaped fleshy fruit with few seeds. Delicious fruit-sweet flavours. Tomatofest, Little River, California, USA
Hurma Ukrainian 5.76 Indeterminate. Medium, orange slicing tomato. Sweet. Amishland Heirloom Seeds
Ilse’s Orange Latvian (aka Ilse’s Yellow Latvian); named for Ilse Auzina. 6.73 Indeterminate; medium to high yield. Large slicing tomato; golden-yellow fruits, some slightly oblong. Firm fleshy thick walls. Pleasing flavour; suits canning or fresh. Tatiana’s Tomatobase, British Colombia, Canada; offered SSE Yearbook in 1995 or earlier.
Kellogg’s Breakfast 3.42 Indeterminate; originated West Virginia, USA. Orange beefsteak. Very good flavour; sweet. Seeds by Design
King’s Gold 3.02 Indeterminate. Golden colour. Koanga Institute, NZ
Large Yellow Amish 4.28 Indeterminate, 78 days, mid-season. Yellow-range large beefsteak-style fruit; apricot-coloured flesh. Well-balanced sweetness and acid. Tomatofest, Little River, California, USA
Loxton Lass 4.44 Determinate dwarf variety. Orange, smooth, oblate-shaped medium to large fruit. Well-balanced, delicious flavour.
Mini Olga 6.65 Indeterminate. Large cherries. HFCRT selection
Mini Orange 3.36 Indeterminate. Vibrant orange large cherries; smooth texture. Subtle pleasant earthy flavour. Seeds by Design
Moonglow (Winner of SSE 2007 Heirloom Tomato Tasting) 4.88 Indeterminate; 85 days. Smooth, bright-orange fruits with firm, dense flesh; high pectin; medium-sized slicer-style tomato. ‘The best texture and flavour of any golden-yellow tomato.’ Solana Seeds, Canada
Mountain Gold 3.6 Determinate; smaller plant with good yield. Golden-orange; firm medium-large beefsteak tomato. Mild, sweet flavour with a hint of acid. Trade Winds Fruit
Old Wyandotte 1.65 Indeterminate, 90 days, late-season. Large beefsteak-style golden tomatoes. Well-balanced sweet and acid flavour. Tomatofest, Little River, California, USA
Olga’s Round Golden Chicken Egg (aka Olga’s Round Yellow Chicken Egg) 4.32 Indeterminate, regular leaf plant produces a very heavy yield; matures 70 days, mid-season; excellent to grow. Round to oval, golden, medium plum-type tomatoes with thick skin. Sweet and slightly tart flavours. Tomatofest, Little River, California, USA; brought from Russia to USA by Bill McDorman; introduced by Seeds Trust in early 90s.
Orange Beefsteak 4.56 Indeterminate, 79 days, mid-season; large yield. Medium-large slicing tomato; golden orange. ‘Delicious, well-balanced, sweet, fruity flavours.’ Tomatofest, Little River, California, USA
Orange Bourgoin 2.62 Indeterminate. Orange cherry tomato. ‘Juicy, fruity, mild sweet with remarkable taste.’ The Organic Gardening Catalogue, UK
Orange Crimea 8.04 Indeterminate; late-maturing. Large peach-shaped, deep orange fruits; tendency for green shoulders. Very sweet and juicy. Sand Hill Preservation Centre
Orange Fleshed Purple Smudge 5.42 Indeterminate. Medium size vibrant tangerine-orange fruit with purple blotches on the shoulders. Mildly sweet. Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds, Mansfield, Missouri, USA
Orange Plum 1.84 Indeterminate; very heavy yield. Small, orange, plum-shaped tomatoes. Sweet flavour with slightly tart finish. Tomatofest, Little River, California, USA
Orange Queen 2.41 Open indeterminate vines; early, 70 days. Bright orange; beefsteak. Mild flavour. Seeds by Design
Orange Roma 4.62 Indeterminate; early. Medium slicer; salmon-orange colour. Pleasant flavour. Seeds sourced in New Zealand.
Orange Strawberry 4.14 Vigorous, indeterminate, regular-leaf plant with average yields. Strawberry-shaped, bright-orange large oxheart with a distinct tip; fleshy fruit, few seeds. Sweet, rich, complex taste. Tomatofest, Little River, California, USA; offered in SSE Yearbook in 1995
Orange Teardrop 5.31 Indeterminate. Mid-orange coloured ovoid-shaped fruit. Flavourful; well-balanced acid and sweet. Seeds by Design
Orange Valencia (named after the oranges of that colour) 4.6 Good for cooler climates. Smooth, firm texture; fleshy without a large number of seeds. Well-balanced acidic and sweet flavours. Sourced in New Zealand from Niche Seeds who are no longer in business.
Peg’s Round Orange (named for Peg Spencer) 1.08 Indeterminate; matures 90 days; disease-resistant; high yield. Medium-large slicing tomato; orange. Sweet, low-acid. Southern Exposure Seed Exchange
Persimmon (said to be grown by Thomas Jefferson) 5.24 Indeterminate, regular leaf plant; high yield. Named for the colour of the fruit; extra-large, beefsteak-style fleshy, few seeds. Very sweet; excellent flavour.
Roughwood Golden Plum 3.82 Indeterminate, thick, green foliage; mid-season. Round bright golden, plum-sized fruits, thick, paste-like flesh. Creamy texture, good flavour. Sand Hill Preservation Centre
Russian Persimmon 3.1 Indeterminate; 75-80 days. Very productive. Orange fruits, some more smooth and some are ruffled. Excellent sweet flavour. Tatiana’s Tomatobase, British Colombia, Canada
Sakharniy Zeltiy 3.42 Indeterminate; high yield; early for a large tomato. Medium-large golden-orange fruits. Tones of sweet mixed with tart.
Sibirische Orange 4.56 Indeterminate. Association Kokopelli (formerly Terre de Semences Organic seeds)
Small Lap 2.87 Semi-determinate, mid-season; very heavy producer. Orange, slightly oblate medium to large slicer. Sand Hill Preservation Centre
Small Sweet Orange 3.69 Indeterminate; grows well in all NZ climate zones. Golden-orange cherry tomatoes. Very sweet and tender. Koanga Institute, NZ
Small Sweet Orange V.3 4.68 Indeterminate. Larger selection from ‘Small Sweet Orange’, both juicy and fleshy. Gorgeous tomato flavour. HFCRT selection
Summer Cider Apricot 6.15 Indeterminate; potato-leaf; matures early. Large orange beefsteak-style with creamy orange flesh. Sweet flavour; apricot aroma. Amishland Heirloom Seeds
Tangella 6.13 Disease resistant, highly productive. Clusters of 5cm diameter round, bright-orange fruit; blemish-free. Fragrant with a snappy tang; earthy notes. Tomatofest, Little River, California, USA
Tangerine 5.82 Indeterminate. Large, well-shaped, orange slicer. Juicy; mild flavour; not acidic. Seed Savers Exchange, Iowa, USA
Tobolsk (100-year-old heirloom tomato) 5.73 Indeterminate; origin Russia. Large, round, light golden-orange slicer, 7cm diameter. Flavours well-balanced between acid and sweet.
Turkey Champ 4.26 Indeterminate; regular leaf; late. Large, golden/orange globe tomato. Sand Hill Preservation Centre
West Virginia 5.05 Indeterminate, regular leaf plant. Extra-large/giant golden-orange beefsteak tomatoes. Fruity/sweet flavours. Tomatofest, Little River, California, USA
Yellow Brandywine Platfoot Strain (named for Gary Platfoot, Ohio, USA) 4.15 Indeterminate potato-leaf variety maturing 90 days (late season); heavy yielding. Large golden beefsteak-style tomatoes; heavily-ribbed shoulders. Intense sweet flavours balanced with a slight tartness. Tomatofest, Little River, California, USA
Yellow Oxheart 2.58 Indeterminate; vigorous vines; late (90-95 days). Medium-large, yellow-orange, heart-shaped fruit. Fleshy yet juicy.
Yoder’s Yellow German 3.4 Indeterminate; mid-season; named for Yoder family. Gold (not yellow) extra-large to giant beefsteak. Flavourful and fleshy. Tomatofest, Little River, California, USA
* Indeterminate tomato plants grow from spring until frost, producing fruit on long vines that can grow 2 metres or taller. Determinate plants bear in a shorter time, on shorter vines.
Size: Description: Weight: Diameter:
Small Cherry 25 to 55 g 2 to 4 cm
Medium Plum 40 to 130 g 4 to 6 cm
Medium-large Slicing 130 to 220 g 6 to 10 cm
Large Beefsteak 185 to 220 g 7 to 10 cm
Extra-large Beefsteak 220 to 320 g 10 to 14 cm
Giant Beefsteak 320 g + 14 cm +
Flavour descriptions are subjective and vary with growing conditions. Those in quotation marks may have been generated for promotional purposes.